Full Moon Meditation

Tribute to my friend Amy 

Amy and I had meditated together since the late 1980’s. I called my friend this morning and the Hospice said Amy passed away last night. I prefer to think of this experience as ‘crossing over the veil.’ My friend Amy started her “Spirit Journey” June 7, 2013 after battling cancer of the tongue for several years. When I tried to talk to her as we use to I felt her presence shortly after hearing the news of her death. She told me that even though the physical body passes away, our true nature is our spirit body which doesn’t die. She said she is everywhere like the presence of light.

I heard her voice in my head as she gave me a process to raise my vibration to a higher level so that I can journey with the beings of higher light frequencies in the stars. She gave me a procedure to be practiced at 6:30 AM Eastern Standard time on the Full Moon each month: Amy gave me a meditation from the other side of the veil to practice:

Make the intention to connect with beings of highest light frequencies to receive information that is needed for your highest good and for the highest good of all concerned.

Take three deep breaths will extending your belly on the inhale and retracting the belly on the exhale.

Begin counting from one to ten while visualize your consciousness is going into your Heart Chakra and your energy body is lifting out the top of your Crown Chakra. ………. You may become aware of a sense of pulling inward and then experience a lifting sensation as your energy ascends inward and upward.

Begin visualizing a beautiful Rainbow just above you.Hold the concentration and merge into the violet/purple Rainbow Ray frequency in the ethers. You may feel like this is light waves that are giving you a gentle jump start into the light realms which hold the vibration of bliss and joy.

Amy said, “You were always in this place, but you just forgot.” She inspired me to remember that I am from the stars just as she is and many others on the Earth plane at this time.

She said those who have crossed over the veil are still with us whenever we want to contact them because they are everywhere like the presence of light. Amy continued with another message by saying, “It is important to let go of your loved ones at first so they can finish their life lessons on the other side and then they will return with a higher awareness to share just as your ancestors are doing.

I asked how to hold the sense of wonder and elevated joy that  I felt in the Rainbow color vibrations. I felt bigger than my body just as I do when I  am doing Reiki.  Amy told me to clean up my thoughts and words though my daily activities and interactions. Then she seemed to evaporate into the colored mist. I know my friend Amy is still with me and always will be connected by love.

Full Moon Meditation June 23, 2013

Just as I looked outside today on the July full moon, I saw it disappear behind a dark cloud. Then another white fleecy cloud floated in front and just underneath it just as it appeared again. It reminded me of the ebb and flow of shadows that reveal the light in our lives.

I meditated with Amy for our moon ritual and asked my friend who crossed to the other side on June 7th what message she would like to share with me. I heard the words, “Be kind-hearted in all your relations and love unconditionally”. Then a vision of a dove flying over me came in my meditation representing hope and peace. Another bird appeared as a white owl with huge wings landed on a post near me. I heard Amy say, “This totem is your guide in upcoming times of change. His message, “Prepare.”

I looked up the meaning of the owl in Ted Andrew’s book entitled Animal Wise, which relates, “The snowy owl reminds us to be patient and to trust in our own destiny and our own inner instincts.