Self-Hypnosis: Expand Your Mind

Self-Hypnosis: Expand Your Mind

by Rev. Patrice Joy Masterson, MA, Reiki Master

The process of self-hypnosis expands the ability of the mind to accomplish goals and develop creativity. Maxwell Maltz is a plastic surgeon who studied the reaction of his patients to reconstructive surgery. In 1969 he wrote a book on the power of the mind entitled Psycho-cybernetics.  Maltz found many of his patients had little or no change of attitude after plastic surgery. Even though their appearance was greatly improved, their self-concept and self-esteem was still low. His research extended to encompass the power of the mind/body link for healing. Dr. Maltz, says “De-hypnotize yourself from false beliefs and learn to utilize the power of rational thinking”. We believe we can’t, so we can’t. Maltz feels that happiness and creativity are habits and we can learn to acquire them.

The right brain intuition and the DNA encoding in every cell is referred to as the inner mind and is linked to the unconscious mind. By reaching this unconscious part of our mind, blocks are removed to action and development of intuition is accomplished. A process of self-hypnosis can open areas of the mind that were previously not actualized.

You are encouraged to use these methods of learning to direct your mind to establish new habits of success. The key is to set a special time for this exercise on a daily routine. Bedtime and rising are the best times to treat yourself to this ten minute refreshing exercise.

Breath Process: Visualize that your conscious mind is enveloped in a blue light to calm and quiet it. Get in a comfortable position with your spine straight, arms and legs uncrossed to facilitate more increased energy flow. Begin to concentrate on your breath inhaling to the count of five and exhaling to the count of five for five repetitions. Affirm, “With each inhale I visualize Luminous White healing energy is filling every cell of my body. On the exhale affirm, “I let go of anything that could be blocking my potential.”

Then count out loud slowly backwards from ten to one. With every other count, suggest that you are getting more and more relaxed and receptive to healing as you go deeper and deeper within. Visualize yourself in your favorite place to relax. Give the auto suggestion that this place is in the ethers and can be returned to by simply holding the vision of yourself there to gain personal healing. This will take you into a light state of alpha brain wave activity and connect the unconscious mind to the inner mind. Affirm: “My mind is working on higher levels of creativity and problem solving skills. I am aware and alert. My autonomic system is becoming more and more efficient and this will continue throughout the upcoming day and night.

Completion Process: Close every procedure by filling all the nucleus of every cell throughout your body with an energetic flow to heal all disease from past, present and future. Do this by affirming, “I am healed of all past imbalances of mind, body and spirit.” This alters cellular memory and replacing it with the active image of continuing perfect body function. In completion, hold the quality of gratitude for the healing gained.  Count yourself out of the alpha brain wave frequency back to beta by the following:

“I will be alert and healthy on the count of five. “One – Two – Three- Returning to alert awake awareness. As I move my fingers and toes I am returning to the ever vibrant now. Four  –  Five.” Snap fingers to close process.

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