Family Programs

Defining The Parent’s Role:
Develop tools to set boundaries; foster responsibility and maturity; incorporate consistency in setting rules and cooperative discipline; train task initiation and follow through; teach pre-requisites to learning; provide structure and problem solving skills; learn the value of respect, freedom of speech and quality time.

Bonding at Playtime:
Enjoy music, art and activities to train self-awareness, listening skills, concentration and creativity; facilitate healthy bonding utilizing puppets, crafts and story-telling to teach values and virtues.

Revealing Our Female Lineage, Our Lives:
Share family rituals, attitudes. values and experiences to establish traditions and cultural heritage for posterity; build bridges across time by sharing the past and traditions of our heritage and diversity.

Constructing Core Elements of Success: Stressful Effects of Negative Thinking:
Become aware of negative barriers to creativity; distinguish and replace hidden grammar in the unconscious which can inhibit goal fulfillment.